Regal Movie Theatres Nationwide Implement Baggage Checking Policy

 Regal Entertainment Group First Popular Chain to Nationally Implement Bag-Checking Policy

Regal Entertainment Group First Popular Chain to Nationally Implement Bag-Checking Policy

The Regal Entertainment Group has decided to create a new policy that they believe will reduce the chances of a mass, violent attack on their theater-going patrons. Per the company’s official “Admittance Procedures page”, in all the Regal Cinemas locations, “backpacks and bags of any kind are subject to inspection prior to admission.”

The policy, most noticeably, has its fair share of dissidents.  Individuals describing feelings of ire or frustration believe that the bag check policy is really a guise to further reduce the chance of people bringing in snacks from outside the theater. They support this belief by saying that violent people out to do harm will simply make sure not to carry a bag when they try to bring in a weapon: they’ll hide it under their shirt, inside of their shoes, etc. Those against the policy also see it as a “major” not a minor inconvenience as it would likely mean the need for them to come to the theater even earlier in order to make sure they account for a potentially long line of people, with bags, to ensure a good seat before their movie starts.

At the same time, there are some who believe the policy, while limiting in its reach, is a step in the right direction. A recent study conducted by research group C4 revealed that 48%, or nearly half, of the 500 moviegoers surveyed from August 6th – August 7th mention their willingness to pay $1 extra for added security in movie theaters.

The survey is the most recent publicized one of its kind since the most recent theater shooting during the movie Mad Max:Fury Road  in Nashville, Tennessee. This past July, there was also a shooting in a Lafayette, Louisiana theater during a showing of the movie Trainwreck. Both of these incidents come three years after the now infamous Aurora, Colorado movie massacre during a Batman:The Dark Knight Rises midnight premiere.

While the affects of a such an update in Regal Cinemas’ policy remains to be seen, nevertheless, it appears Regal is trying to stand out among other popular chains such Cinemark Theatres and A.M.C. Entertainment Inc. locations. Neither Cinemark nor A.M.C. has directly stated following suit given the recent disclosure of Regal’s new baggage-checking policies.


  1. I wouldn’t mind the bag checks but they should have metal detectors to accompany the checks. If they don’t have metal detectors then I’m in agreement with other movie goers that they are only checking for snacks.

    • True this is also another possibility–the metal detectors– but, from a financial standpoint, that additional layer of security isn’t very economically feasible. The metal detectors would need someone from security, likely an officer, managing them all day every day, even during days and times where movie crowds are scarce. The theater would also likely have to pass the cost of them needing to provide someone to be present at the metal detectors onto the moviegoers in terms of ticket price increases as well. This additional cost further compounds the ticket cost and the time people would need to wait before being able to actually go to their movie. Yet at the same time, the same C4 consumer research survey did mention that, aside from the people willing to pay an extra $1 for added security, 23% of them also said they’d be willing to be spend $2 to support this desire as well. Now 23% is no 48% but it’s still notable enough to draw

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